“Achieving food and nutrition security, reducing inequality, and preserving terrestrial ecosystems: 100 critical research questions for decision makers in sub-Saharan Africa.”

Blog by Adam Devenish, Imperial College London

Increasing population growth and rising food demand in sub-Saharan Africa means that there are several environmental, political and socio-economic challenges that need to be overcome if we hope to meet the proposed United Nation’s 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Meeting the growing need for more informed and effective evidence-based decision-making means that it’s vital for research and development priorities of producers (i.e. academic researchers) and consumers (i.e. policy makers) to align. To support this objective, the SENTINEL project team in partnership with International Water Management Institute (IWMI) are leading a Horizon scanning activity to identify the 100 most critical research questions that, if answered, would have the greatest positive impact on addressing these challenges, and aid in the decision-making process.

Focusing on three of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 'zero hunger' (SDG2), ‘reducing inequalities’ (SDG10), and ‘life on land’ (SDG15), the activity aims to engage with and involve representatives from a wide range of international and national organisations, academics, policy makers and other key stakeholder groups across sub-Saharan Africa, to co-create and identify key research questions. This interdisciplinary and inclusive approach means that everyone can have a voice in deciding the potential future of agricultural research in sub-Saharan Africa.

Want to be involved?

Whether you are a consumer or producer of research, we are interested in hearing your views. We are currently recruiting participants and/or organisations that are involved and/or work in sub-Saharan Africa to contribute their questions to our horizon scanning activity. Please note that you do not need to have an in-depth knowledge to participate. Rather we are keen to hear from anyone involved in the region, especially those organisations or individuals who are actively engaged with the agricultural sector. To find out more and to take part, please see the Call for Participants for further information. The deadline for submissions is the 31st of August 2019, and all submissions can be lodged here.