Agricultural expansion: combining theory and practice

Sentinel partners met in Addis Ababa in September to refine research questions and work plans.

This process was informed by the contextual analysis (desk studies) and participatory scenario workshops that had been carried out in the three focal countries (Ghana, Ethiopia and Zambia) during the past 6 months. 

Partners agreed that Sentinel’s comparative advantage lies in understanding the impacts and trade-offs associated with agricultural expansion into forests (rather than impacts of agricultural intensification – a much-explored and broad topic). 

Forest visit to Menagesha National Forest near Addis Ababa
Forest visit to Menagesha National Forest near Addis Ababa

During a welcome escape from post-it notes, some of us visited Menagesha National Forest near Addis Ababa where we could observe agricultural encroachment into the protected forest – and subsequent land degradation. Land shortage close to the park – due to demographic pressure and the sprawl of Addis Ababa into the surrounding rural and agricultural lands – are driving this encroachment.