Large-scale, freely available data for Ghana, Ethiopia, and Zambia
We need appropriate spatial data to understand how agricultural development has been affecting the environment in Ghana, Ethiopia, and Zambia to date. At UCL, we have been looking to large-scale, freely available data sources to see which mi

Sentinel’s communicators sharpen skills in learning exchange
IIED’s Communications Learning Week in late June hosted by the institute’s communications team was timely and highly opportune for the Sentinel project.
Reconnaissance surveys of study sites get under way in Ethiopia
Sentinel researchers have begun the process of shortlisting study sites where there has been expansion of agriculture into natural habitats in each of the three Sentinel focal countries – Ethiopia, Ghana and Zambia – beginning with Ethiopia.

Impacts of agricultural expansion: what will we explore?
At UCL we’re interested in this question: do areas where crops are grown overlap with areas that are naturally high in biodiversity?

Site selection for Sentinel
The Sentinel project seeks to understand the extent, nature and impacts of agricultural expansion into natural habitats.

The 15th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting is here. Join us!
We are pleased to let you know that the Sentinel project will participate in this year’s RUFORUM Annual General Meeting (AGM) slated for 2 - 6 December 2019 in Cape Coast, Ghana.

“Achieving food and nutrition security, reducing inequality, and preserving terrestrial ecosystems: 100 critical research questions for decision makers in sub-Saharan Africa.”

Twenty African PhD research scholarships awarded under the Sentinel project
Sentinel partner RUFORUM (The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture), has awarded 20 research scholarships to PhD candidates

‘Scenario building’ explained

Urban expansion: an indirect driver of agricultural expansion and biodiversity loss?
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